Faeces Pump T

Pump T

The Rheinstrom sewage pump T has especially been designed for the installation into sewage tanks. All parts are made of sea water resistant materials and are maintenance-free. The pump has to be installed from the top. The pump’s techniques are the same as the shredding technique (macerator). A shredding wheel chops up the excrements and pumps them out via a centrifugal wheel. You can choose from three different standard sizes (200 mm/400mm/600mm) and special sizes on request. The pump can be fitted to the desired immersed length by adapting the length of the pump shaft. Height of tank minus 40 mm = Immersed length-

Model Item No.
T 400mm - 12V 0207002
T 400mm - 24V 0207003
T 600mm - 12V 0207004
T 600mm - 24V 0207005
T 800mm - 12V 0207006
T 800mm - 24V 0207007
Technical Data
Delivery rate max: 70 l/min
Delivery height max: 5 m
Pressure max: 0.5 bar
Engine performance: 0.3 kW
Voltages: 12V - 24V
Weight: 9.5 kg
Connections: 1"
Technical Drawing
Spare Parts
Objekt Anzahl Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
1 1 0301024 Motor 24 VDC
2 1 0207100 Oberteil T-Pumpe
3 4 3004016 Kupferscheibe
4 4 3004015 Innensechskanntschraube
5 2 0111009 Wellendichtung 16x30x10
6 1 0207020 Dichtung Oberteil
7 4 9101048 Gewindestift
8 1 0207014-xx Distanzrohr
9 2 1242012 Schlauchtülle 1'' x 25mm
10 2 1242002 Schlauchklemme 1-Zoll
11 1 1242081 Spiralschlauch 1-Zoll Bilgewasser
12 1 0111029 Winkel 1'' i-i
13 1 0301011 Pumpengehäuse kurz
14 1 0111007 Papierdichtung
15 1 0111010 Schleuderrad
16 1 0111011 Zerhackergehäuse
17 1 0111012 Zerhackerplatte
18 1 4030011 Befestigungsflansch
19 4 0104004 Sechkantmuttern
20 8 0101045 Unterlegscheibe
21 1 0207101 Unterteil T-Pumpe
22 4 3004017 Innensechskanntschraube
23 1 0207105-xx Wellenverlängerung
Repair Kits
  Article No.
Rep.-KitT-Pump 0301095
2 x Shaft valve Y10 0111009
2 x Flunge valve Y8-10/F12-24/Z60/IP50 0111007